2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.4.12 Helping Anxious Students Build Confidence and Achievement

In combination, giftedness and successful achievement can cause children to feel intense competitive pressure to always succeed, a state known as perfectionism. Their sensitivity and intensity can permit students to experience great intellectual and emotional depths, but they can also result in anxiety that may cause them to avoid challenges. When highly sensitive adults respond intuitively to oversensitive children, they may unintentionally reinforce and increase children’s anxiety. Tears and sadness may accidentally empower students to avoid the challenges that schools provide, increase their anxiety, and prevent high achievement. This session will give participants practical tools for diminishing anxieties and encouraging student positivity, confidence, and achievement.


Sylvia Rimm
Family Achievement Clinic
United States


Dr. Sylvia Rimm, psychologist, directs Family Achievement Clinic in Ohio and specializes in working with gifted children. Dr. Rimm speaks internationally on giftedness, parenting, creativity, and underachievement. Her many books include Education of the Gifted and Talented, Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades, and See Jane Win®, which was a New York Times Best Seller and featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Dr. Rimm was a longtime contributor to NBC’s Today Show, and served on the Board of Directors of the NAGC. She has received the prestigious Anne Isaacs, Robert Rossmiller and Palmarium awards for her contributions to gifted children.


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