2019 WCGTC World Conference

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19 Professional Development of Teachers to Improve the Education of Gifted and Talented Scholars

The shortage of ongoing professional learning has created a learning gap for educators of gifted learners who want to increase self-efficacy and have a desire to improve their pedagogical strategies. Cortina (2011) suggested limited opportunities for professional development in gifted education topics for general education teachers is a persistent and pervasive problem. This mixed methods research study consisted of the researcher employing two theoretical frameworks, Adult Learning Theory (Knowles, 1980; 1984) and Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1997). The results of the survey revealed that teaching area emerged as the strongest predictor that contributed to the model significance. The significance of the data and the implications they have on the future of professional development for gifted educators are critical. These findings may influence teachers, administrators, professional developers of school districts, and the gifted community in promoting further evaluation of gifted and talented professional development practices.


Shelbie Dixon-Brown
Nova Southeastern University
United States


Dr. Shelbie Dixon-Brown is a veteran educator, specializing in gifted education and professional learning. Dr. Dixon-Brown is passionate about teaching and learning, science, and fostering professional growth. She has a doctoral degree in Instructional Leadership and Curriculum Development from Nova Southeastern University. The researchers interests are concentrated in Professional Development and Gifted Education. Shelbie is a devoted wife and loving mother to two beautiful girls. Her educational philosophy is to reach learners where they are, acknowledge each learner’s great potential, and challenge them to grow beyond their limited view of themselves to achieve success.


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