2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.4.7 Radical Acceleration: College for Content versus Sleepaway College

The research supports radical acceleration of students under certain circumstances. “Sleep away” college is no longer the only option. Because of technology and a willingness to think outside the box, there are many possibilities for students who need that next level of content for challenging and meaningful engagement. Learn more about the many options available as well as social-emotional and practical considerations in making challenging level content available when it is needed.


Molly Isaacs-McLeod
Gifted Unlimited, LLC
United States


Molly A. Isaacs-McLeod, JD, LL.M. is an attorney mediator, educator, and president of Gifted Unlimited, LLC. In addition to offering domestic mediation services, she provides advocacy, mediation, and educational planning services to families seeking appropriate academic placement for their gifted children. Gifted Unlimited, LLC provides quality, researched based, professional information reaching across the lifespan for gifted individuals and those who support them through publications, podcasts, services, and regional gatherings. Molly has served on the Governor’s Task Force on Gifted Education, the Council on Gifted and Talented Education for Kentucky, and the Board of Directors for SENG.

Norma Hafenstein
University of Denver
United States


Norma Hafenstein, PhD, is the Daniel L. Ritchie Endowed Chair in Gifted Education at the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver. She is co-principal investigator for the Right4Rural Project, a Jacob K. Javits federally-funded initiative to identify and serve giftedness in traditionally underrepresented groups in rural Colorado. Dr. Hafenstein’s research interests include information processing styles, social and emotional development in gifted populations, program effectiveness and adult and generational giftedness. She advises graduate students and teaches courses including Psychological Aspects of the Gifted, Program Development, Leadership and Communication and Research as Problem Identification, Intervention, Application and Defense.


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