2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.3.11 Addressing Suicide in Gifted Youth: Educator Response to Existential Crisis

What can schools and teachers do to effectively address suicide among gifted students? What are the “first, do no harm” guidelines we should follow? This session confronts the complicated issues of student suicide, empowering educators with the information they need to appropriately discuss the issue with gifted students at various ages. Educators will gain the skills they need to address the issue if it happens on their campuses, and they will explore the intersection of suicide with giftedness. Cooperatively developed with a therapist specializing in gifted, this session is technique-based and practical.


Lisa Van Gemert
Lisa Van Gemert, LLC
United States

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Lisa Van Gemert shares best practices in education with audiences around the world. She is an expert consult to television shows including Lifetime’s "Child Genius," a writer of award-winning lesson plans, numerous articles on social psychology and pedagogy, and the book, Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing Never Good Enough. A former teacher, school administrator, and Youth & Education Ambassador for Mensa, she shares resources for educators and parents on her website giftedguru.com.


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