2019 WCGTC World Conference

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4.6.1 T2i: Talent, Intelligence, Innovation: Experimental protocol for STEAM profiles

The T2i (Talent, Intelligence, Innovation) is an experimental protocol for gifted and talented students with a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) profile in public school districts. T2i identifies, through its innovative approach, students with high potential in a STEAM strategic intelligence profile who also show a superior capacity for innovation, interest in sciences, and perseverance. T2i meets the needs and realities of public education systems: minimal budgetary and professional investment, fast access to results, and quick group testing execution. T2i readily adapts as it counterbalances ethnic, linguistic, economic, gender differences and some clinical diagnoses. The combination of weighting standard assessments with selected scientific predictors makes the T2i unique.


Andrée Therrien
CISSS des Laurentides


Andrée Therrien, psychologist from Quebec, Canada. She has evaluated over 3000 children in the past 28 years and few hundred adults. She specialized in giftedness and ADHD, mostly in regard to evaluation. Canadian delegate at the WCGTC and at the APFG, member of the direction of Haut Potentiel Québec, CEDT, member of the ECHA and of the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance.

Speaker at the 22th Biennial Conference of the WCGTC, the III International Conference of the MIB, the 16th APCG, at the 5th conference of the ICIE, as well as for the National Conference of the CADDRA in 2017-2018.


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