2019 WCGTC World Conference

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27 The Influence of Creative Classroom Environments on the Creativity of Children Aged 10-14 Years

This study used the Creative Classroom Environment Questionnaire, Learning Motivation Questionnaire, and Judicial Thinking Style questionnaire made by the authors as well as the Creative Battery from the Aurora-a Battery to explore the mediating effect of learning motivation and a judicial thinking style on the influence of a creative classroom environment on the creativity of 10-14 years old students in China. A sample of 2007 students was obtained. The results indicated that learning motivation and a judicial thinking style played a serial mediating role in the influence of creative classroom environments on creativity while the direct effect of creative classroom environment on creativity was not significant.


Xiaochen Ma
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University


Xiaochen Ma, postgraduate student in Education Faculty of Beijing normal university. Research area:development and promotion of children's creativity, psychology and education of gifted children.

Li Cheng
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University


Li Cheng, Ph.D., associate professor, director of the Children Creativity Development and Education Research Center of Beijing Normal University, deputy secretary-general of committee on the gifted and talents in China. Research area: development and promotion of children's creativity, psychology and education of gifted children.

Yan Wang
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University


Professor Wang works in the Department of Special Education of Beijing Normal University and serves as director of it. The main research areas are the teacher education of special education teachers and the education of children with developmental disabilities.

Zhiyu Xu
Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University


Xu Zhiyu, postgraduate student of the Department of Special Education of Beijing Normal University and will graduate this year. The main research direction is the teacher education of special education teachers.


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