2019 WCGTC World Conference

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22 The Relationship Between Creativity and Creative Dispositions Among Kindergarten Children in Hong Kong

In this study, TCAM, Hong Kong version (Chiang, 2018), and Five Creative Dispositions Checklist were used to determine children’s creativity and parents’ perspectives on their creative dispositions, respectively. The results showed that intuition, from the imaginative disposition, was positively correlated with the imagination score of the TCAM (r = .271*); and collaboration, from the collaborative disposition, was negatively correlated with the composite score of the TCAM (r = -.272*). Implications on the Five Creative Dispositions Checklist, the potential cultural difference, and Hong Kong parents’ perspectives on creativity and creative dispositions were discussed.


Hoi Wai Wong

Hong Kong


I am a Hong Kong student from HKBU. I am studying Early Childhood Education and I am interested in creativiy. Besides, I have assisted in collecting data of TCAM, Hong Kong and Mcacau versions (Chiang, 2018).


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