2019 WCGTC World Conference

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4.4.4 Cancelled

Anecdotal evidence suggests a disproportionate number of gifted children in Australia are home-schooled in comparison to their peers in other countries. This presentation discusses the results of a recent study that collected data for approximately 680 home-schooled children, specifically the number of families that stated giftedness was a contributing factor in deciding to home-school their child(ren). It will additionally discuss several case studies of families who were interviewed as part of the study and consider the factors they believe contribute to the successful academic, social, and emotional development of their children. Finally, it considers the implications of this study for informing educational policy.


This session has been cancelled
Alchemy Therapy & Edith Cowan University


Dr Kate Burton is a psychotherapist and counsellor with Alchemy Therapy, based in Perth, Western Australia. She specialises in working with gifted individuals across the lifespan. Kate is also an invited academic at the Edith Cowan Institute for Education Research at Edith Cowan University where she currently conducts research in relation to home-schooled children in relation to their academic, social and emotional well-being; and the provision of examination accommodations for twice-exceptional students in their final year of high school. Kate is additionally co-founder of the Western Australian organisation for the gifted, Gifted WA.


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