2019 WCGTC World Conference

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2.9.5 Seeing the World of Possibilities: Creative Problem Solving

Creativity, “the crucial 21st century skill” (Robinson 2009), was elaborated almost 70 years ago as Creative Problem Solving (CPS) with the publication of Alex Osborne’s Applied Imagination. Researchers have analyzed and updated CPS, providing teachers with effective strategies that encourage students to apply personal creativity in their lives. In fact, CPS has become popular in the corporate world, encouraging creative thinking and innovative problem-solving to improve organizational communication and interpersonal skills. Participants will practice CPS and develop confidence in developing scenarios that will encourage students to use both divergent and convergent thinking in ways that result in balanced decisions.


Laurie Croft
Belin-Blank Center
United States


Laurie Croft, Clinical Professor of Gifted Education, is Associate Director for Professional Development at the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa. She facilitates professional learning in gifted education for educators in Iowa, resulting in their endorsement in the field; she works with educators in other states and nations, as well. Her professional interests focus on effective ways to engage educators in better understanding and working with high-ability learners. She has been a U.S. delegate to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and has been elected to the Board of Directors for the National Association for Gifted Children.


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