2019 WCGTC World Conference

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4.5.10 Onboarding New Teachers in an All-Gifted Environment: Whys, Wherefores, and Saying Things Out Loud

Whether they teach pull-out classes or at all-gifted programs, new gifted education teachers have professional development needs different from those of other new hires at a school, especially if they have never worked in an all-gifted environment before. An understanding of what is central — and, perhaps, unspoken — to a school’s philosophy of giftedness is critical to the success of these new colleagues. Preparing teachers for the very different experience of an all-gifted classroom is crucial to their success and to their students’ performance and development. We will share specific, real-world information that should be part of every onboarding protocol.


Melissa Bilash
The Grayson School
United States

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Melissa Bilash founded The Grayson School, Pennsylvania’s only independent school designed specifically for gifted learners. She serves on NAGC’s Legislative and Special Schools Committees, and co-authored “Personnel Preparation” for NAGC’s 2016 publication, A Guide to State Policies in Gifted Education (2nd ed.). One of only 78 federally-trained Special Education Advocates, she has testified before Congress and met with Senators, Representatives, and U.S. Dept. of Education staffers regarding best practices in gifted education. Ms. Bilash, a presenter at international and nationwide conferences, has been awarded Special Congressional Recognition and was her state’s inaugural “Innovator Award” winner for her work.

Jill Wurman
The Grayson School
United States

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Jill Williford Wurman is Director of Research at The Grayson School, a position demanding familiarity with the most current understanding on gifted education topics, including academic performance, pedagogy, social-emotional development, longitudinal outcomes, and best practices in gifted education. She has presented on gifted children both internationally and nationwide, at the World’s conference in Sydney; at NAGC’s annual conference; at SENG’s annual convention; at MIT; and at the American Psychological Association’s national convention. Her particular areas of interest include gifted girls, the profoundly gifted, and the importance of academic struggle and failure for gifted students.


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