2019 WCGTC World Conference

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4.2.5 An Analysis of Awareness of Parents of Gifted Children in Turkey

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the awareness of parents of gifted students in terms of various demographic variables. This is a quantitative study done with a screening model that is a descriptive research method. The participants of the study were 187 parents whose children ages six to ten had been identified as gifted and talented in 2016-2018. The Personal Information Form, designed by the researchers, was used to collect data on predetermined qualitative factors (gender, education level, occupation, income, etc.) and to determine the awareness of the parents. The “Parent Awareness Scale: The Gifted Children Form (PAS- GC),” developed by Afat & K. Konik (2013), was used.


Nüket Afat
Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University


Nüket Afat completed her undergraduate study on Psychological Counseling & Guidance and her graduate and doctoral study at the Department of Education of Gifted and Talented, School of Special Education in İstanbul university. She conducted thesis studies on “Cognitive Assessment System” and “Education of Families of Gifted Children.” She worked on Thinking Skills, Creative Thinking, Teaching Programs for Emotional and Social Development and Development of Practical Guides approved by the Board of Education and Morality.


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