2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.1.13 Effective Strategies for Increasing Choice and Voice of Gifted Learners

Student choice and voice clearly define many of the practices in personalizing learning. What are exemplars of these concepts in classroom implementation? How must they be defined and framed to represent authentic learning experiences for gifted learners? This session shares strategies identified by a Javits Project that clearly exemplify choice and voice for gifted learners. Particular attention will be paid to the commonalities and differences of problem-based and project-based learning as they relate to student voice and choice. Frameworks and criteria for successfully designing complex and in-depth project-based and problem-based learning experiences for gifted learners will be detailed.


Diane Heacox
St. Catherine University
United States

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Dr. Diane Heacox is an author, consultant and professional learning facilitator focusing on strategies to increase learning success for all students. Dr. Heacox is Professor Emerita at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota. She served as the curriculum designer for Minnesota’s Project Northstar Javits Grant. She taught at both elementary and secondary school levels and served as a gifted education teacher and administrator, as well as an instructional specialist in public education. Dr. Heacox is the author of four books, two of which are national book award winners. She can be reached at dianeheacox.com.

Wendy Behrens
Minnesota Department of Education
United States


Wendy A. Behrens is the director of gifted education for the Minnesota Department of Education. She provides technical assistance and collaborates with educators and others interested in promoting rigorous educational opportunities. Behrens served as Project Director for Project North Star, a Jacob Javits Grant. She presents frequently on the nature and needs of gifted learners, instructional strategies, service design, and policies that support highly able learners. Behrens co-authored Exploring Critical Issues in Gifted Education: A Case Studies Approach, Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Learners: A Case Studies Approach and Developing Academic Acceleration Policies: Whole Grade, Early Entrance and Single Subject.


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