2019 WCGTC World Conference

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S4.6.9 On Human Potential: Nurturing Talents, Cultivating Expertise

Student strengths and talents are displayed in every classroom. Communicating these observations as report card comments provides a snapshot of what each student does well, addressing a 21st-century requirement and providing a scaffold for all educators to participate in gifted and talented education. Empowered with research-based behavioral checklists in six talent areas, teachers can identify sparks of potential on a Talent Profile. Here the arts, athletics, academics, creativity, leadership, and psychomotor/kinesthetic abilities are physically on the same page and measure achievements with the same scale. This cumulative K-12 Talent Record of behaviors and achievements invites collaboration among everyone interested in advancing human potential.


Sandra Kay

United States


Sandra I. Kay has a Doctor of Education in Special Education and Master of Education in Instructional Practices from Teachers College, Columbia University, where she remained as a Visiting Scholar for 10 years. Her Bachelor and Master of Science in Art Education and the grounding of over 30 years of K-12 teaching directed her research focus on developing talent/expertise and on the problem-finding aspects of creative thought, visual thinking, and other habits of mind that engage the imagination and promote self-directed inquiry in children and adults. She was elected a Distinguished Fellow of the National Art Education Association in 2018.

Rena Subotnik
American Psychological Association
United States


Rena F. Subotnik PhD is Director of the Center for Psychology in Schools and Education at the American Psychological Association. One of the Center’s missions is to generate public awareness, advocacy, clinical applications, and cutting-edge research ideas that enhance the achievement and performance of children and adolescents with gifts and talents in all domains. She has been supported in this work by the National Science Foundation, the American Psychological Foundation, and the Association for Psychological Science, the Dreyfus Foundation, and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.

Laurie Croft
The Connie Belin & Jacqueline N. Blank International Center for Gifted and Talented Development
United States


Laurie Croft, Clinical Professor of Gifted Education, is Associate Director for Professional Development at the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa. She facilitates professional learning in gifted education for educators in Iowa, resulting in their endorsement in the field; she works with educators in other states and nations, as well. Her professional interests focus on effective ways to engage educators in better understanding and working with high-ability learners. She has been a U.S. delegate to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and has been elected to the Board of Directors for the National Association for Gifted Children.


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