2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.2.7 Training Psychologists on Giftedness: A Brazilian Experience

Regardless of setting or venue, psychologists, therapists, and counselors will at some point in their careers encounter a gifted person, so they should be prepared to better serve this population. In Brazil, there is a lack of preparation for mental health professionals for providing services to the gifted. This work aimed to present professional development training for psychologists that emphasized giftedness and talent development. Conceptions, myths, national policies, and the characteristics of gifted individuals were discussed. The training was also an opportunity to strengthen the network of professionals interested in the field.


Renata Muniz Prado


Renata Muniz Prado Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and professor at University Mauricio de Nassau, Fortaleza, Brazil. She is the founder and responsible for the Gifted and Talent Development research group at the same institution, and coordinates training courses in giftedness for teachers, counselors, and psychologists. She holds a psychoeducational online program for parents of gifted children. During her doctorate studies she was a visiting scholar at Florida State University, supervised by Dr Steven Pfeiffer. Her publication in the field is on female talent development, counseling the gifted, psychosocial variables, creativity, and parenting the gifted.

Daniela Vilarinho-Rezende


Daniela Vilarinho-Rezende, Ph. D., is a psychologist and a professor at the UniAnchieta, São Paulo. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Brasilia in processes of human development and health. Her research interests include creativity and innovation, digital technology in education, talent development and giftedness.


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