2019 WCGTC World Conference

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5.7.4 Cancelled

Visual thinking is an integral part of many forms of learning and creativity. Research indicates that creative individuals across domains – art, science, music, etc. – most often have a preference for visual thinking. Opportunities to work creatively in the visual mode are necessary to support the creativity, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) development, and visual thinking abilities that are essential for 21st century living and learning. Approaches for using simple visuals to enhance and enrich learning for gifted students will be presented. Resources will be provided for integrating creativity and visual thinking projects across the K12 curriculum.


This session has been cancelled
California State University
United States


Professionally, I have been a gifted resource teacher, a gifted program coordinator, a graduate program instructor, an author, and in international consultant. The three books I have authored - or coauthored - are: (1) Living With Intensity, (2) Raising Creative Kids, and (3) Visual Learning and Teaching. I am also the cofounder and Educational Director of a psychoeducational center that specializes in the needs of gifted, creative, and twice-exceptional children.


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