2019 WCGTC World Conference

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18 Helping the Gifted Children Solve Practical Problems with Mathematics

Mathematician Hans Freudenthal emphasized the importance of realistic mathematics education. In his theory, mathematics education must be connected to reality and everyday life. Gifted children are often more curious and determined than ordinary children. It is the responsibility of their teachers to tap their potential and develop their strengths so that they can solve problems with mathematics. This study sets up various mathematics topics, encourages and guides students in a multi-faceted manner, stimulates their interests, and lets students solve problems in a proactive and relaxed way.


Zhijie Liu
Beijing No. 8 High School


Zhijie Liu has been teaching Mathematics for 16 years in Beijing No.8 High School, China and has won many awards in teaching competitions. Since 2013, she has been teaching the intellectually gifted children and participated in research projects of the Mathematics Teaching Group. She has been exploring effective ways to help the gifted students learn Mathematics and guiding the gifted students to solve practical problems with Mathematics.


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