2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.3.12 Individualized Academic Pathways in U.S. and International Schools: Rethinking Pace, Progression, Personalization, Programming and Purpose

Support provisions for gifted and highly able learners are insufficient when they are simply a facsimile of the established strategies, schedules, and structures in place for the neurotypical student. Truly addressing the needs of this population necessitates a rethinking of the 5 Ps (pace, progression, personalization, programming, and purpose). This session explores ways in which individualized academic pathways for students can be created and implemented within schools, including international ones, while keeping in mind the importance of talent development.


Anita Churchville
American School of Bombay

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Anita Churchville coordinates the K-12 High Ability Program at the American School of Bombay. She previously created and coordinated the Gifted and Talented Education program at the American School of Doha and at Academia Cotopaxi in Ecuador. In addition, she worked as a program specialist in the Los Angeles Unified School District in California, USA. She has a master's degree in special and gifted education and an educational diagnostician certification. She has presented conference sessions at the IB Regional Conference (The Hague), the Istanbul NESA regional conference and the NESA regional conference in Bangkok.


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