2019 WCGTC World Conference

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2.7.5 Educator Perceptions of Gifted and Talented English Language Learners

This presentation will focus on the Gifted and Talented/English Language Learner (GT/ELL). Strategies for identification and services will be discussed. We will explore obstacles, teacher perception, referrals, professional development, and modifications of curriculum to best serve gifted students who fall into this category. Local norms will also be discussed as well as the overall issue of underrepresented students in gifted and talented programs. Participants will be able to share ideas and solutions for maximizing the school experience of GT/ELL students.


Michelle Lynch

United States


Michelle Lynch has been an educator for 26 years. She has been working with gifted students for her entire career. Michelle is currently the Gifted and Talented Coordinator for Glasgow Independent Schools in Kentucky. She earned her Educational Specialist degree from Western Kentucky University in 2018.


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