2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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2.2.1 Is femininity the new 'f' word?: An exploration of gender identity and talent development of high achieving females

Is femininity the ‘f’ word when it comes to developing the talent of our highly able girls? What role do perceptions of masculinity and femininity have in influencing girls of high potential as they make decisions about career paths and study options? What are the factors that influence one girl to pursue a career in engineering, whilst another of the same high ability venture into teaching? Emerging themes of identity, mindsets, values, and self-regulation will be explored.


Kate Lafferty
Monash University

Kate is currently teaching three days in the Compass Centre, an enrichment program for highly able students, at Methodist Ladies College in Melbourne’s east. With almost twenty years of teaching experience, the last seven have been dedicated to establishing and implementing a respected and valued gifted and talented withdrawal program in a Victorian government primary school. Kate is completing her PhD at Monash University, focusing on the talent development of gifted girls, and is passionate about Gifted Education. Kate has presented sessions on Gifted Education to teachers and parents, as well as providing mentoring to both schools and students.


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