2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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4.7.3 Making it work: Supporting and measuring growth in a gifted cluster grouping model

In many countries cluster-grouping has become a prevalent model for serving gifted students. Schools experiencing success with the model have methods in place for measuring and documenting growth. Learn how to prepare for program evaluation in your cluster-grouping model by creating systems that track student achievement, determine necessary training, and monitor student populations identified and served. Participants learn to use school data to effectively plan advanced C&I, identify criteria for documenting student performance, provide requisite teacher training, and make effective student placements. Achievement studies for all students in schools that cluster group gifted students will be shared.


Dina Brulles
Arizona State University
United States

Dina Brulles, Ph.D., is the Director of Gifted Education at Paradise Valley Unified School District in Arizona also the Gifted Program Coordinator at Arizona State University. The gifted programs Dina oversees incorporate innovative uses of technology, enfranchise underrepresented populations and provide extensive professional development opportunities. Dina serves on the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Board of Directors as the school district representative. Dr. Brulles co-authored the books, Differentiated Lessons for All Learners, The Cluster Grouping Handbook: How To Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement For All, Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classrooms, and Helping All Gifted Children Learn.


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