2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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4.5.2 Identifying gifted students in multiple areas and targeting strategies to turn potential into performance

This parallel session will look at identifying the learning and social and emotional needs of potential gifted students in six areas (intellectual abilities, creative abilities, personal/social qualities, athletic ability, visual and performing arts, and technological abilities). It will address how to meet their needs using a range of strategies and using Google Apps for Education to track identification, provision, and performance. The resources have been based on Françoys Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (2012) and look at how to identify potential and target provision to enhance performance.


Brooke Trenwith
Cognition Education Ltd
New Zealand

Brooke joined the Cognition team as part of the GaTE PLD, a Ministry of Education contract designed to support schools build their capability and develop effective, robust and transparent GaTE programmes. In 2016, she was project leader of this contract and a national representative for the NZAGC. A holistic educator, Brooke works with teachers, leaders and families to create programmes that meet the learning, social and emotional needs of students, whilst creating a “rising tide” of achievement to support diverse learners and the minoritised. Her approachable and flexible style encourages engagement in change management and supports honest reflection within PLD.


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