2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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3.2.1 Forensics@Kristin: Who Dunnit?

One hundred budding investigators come from all over New Zealand in July for Forensics@Kristin, an intensive, student-led programme that challenges participants to solve complex simulated homicide cases. Gifted students from across the country come to embrace the challenge, and test their problem solving, research, and logic skills at this unique camp. Another team of students is responsible for the logistics of running the camp. Catering to everyone, supervising teams, overseeing the science laboratories and general day-to-day running of the camp. Staff are on hand, but it is the students who lead the camp and take responsibility for its ultimate success.


Raewyn Casey
Kristin School
New Zealand

Raewyn Casey is the GaTE co-ordinator of Kristin Middle School in Auckland New Zealand. She is an experienced teacher who has worked with gifted students for fourteen years. Along with colleagues she has created a variety of different programs that cater specifically for gifted children. The forensic camp been one of the most challenging but most rewarding program she has been involved with.


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