2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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2.5.4 T2i: Identification protocol in public schools

T2i identifies, through its innovative approach, students and employees with high potential in STEM / MINT strategic intelligence profile and who also show a superior capacity for innovation and perseverance. T2i meets the needs and realities of public education systems and companies: minimal budgetary and professional investment, fast access to results, and quick group testing execution. T2i readily adapts as it counterbalances ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and gender biases. It modulates to students’ socio-economic situations as well as those already clinically diagnosed. Combining the weighting of standard assessments with selected scientific predictors makes the T2i unique.


Andree Therrien
Clinique Médicale Sainte-Adele, Qc Canada

I am Andrée Therrien, a psychologist from Québec, Canada. I have evaluated almost 3000 students in the past 26 years and few hundred adults. I am specialized in ADHA and Giftedness, mostly in regard to evaluation. I have worked in different settings: correctional facilities, hospitals, youth protection, family court, schools and medical clinics. I have always taken in account the IQ of the subject when writing my recommendations, with special care for gifted persons. You will find a detailed curriculum at www.ataclinique.com


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