2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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2.10.7 Mindfulness and development: Exploring the role of mindfulness in supporting students

Meditation has existed for thousands of years as a means of stilling the mind and exploring the inner world. This practice is becoming more popular in Western culture as scientists are documenting the physiological changes that take place in the body during mindfulness (Greenberg, & Harris, 2012). Educators are using this information to help students discover the practice of mindfulness in an effort to reduce anxiety and cultivate internal resources (Zelazo & Lyons, 2012).


Laurie Croft
University of Iowa
United States

Laurie Croft is a clinical associate professor at the University of Iowa and is the associate director for professional development at the Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Croft has made presentations at various state, national, and international conferences, and to parent groups, teachers, and school boards. She coordinates a comprehensive program of online classes that comprise an endorsement in gifted education, and she serves as the College of Education honors advisor. She is currently a US delegate to the WCGTC.


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