2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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4.3.4 Belonging: Young gifted children starting school

Teachers know, a young child needs to feel they belong at school before they can engage in new learning. Yet there is little information about how a young gifted child establishes a feeling of belonging (attachment) and what behaviours identify this process. A year-long qualitative case study, exploring influences on young gifted children entering a new learning environment, provided rich data about everyday adjustment by these children, including the influence of attachment behaviours. It is important teachers are aware of this aspect of transition and how it can affect a gifted child’s engagement in the learning program.


Anne Grant
Deakin University, Australia

Dr Anne Grant Anne has taught in the early childhood field for many years, with children who have a range of abilities from those identified as gifted through to children with severe developmental delay. She lectures at university level in gifted and early childhood education, at both undergraduate and post graduate level. Anne co-authored the DEECD online Resource “Making a Difference for Young Gifted and Talented Children” and is also involved in writing on the educational needs of young gifted children.


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