2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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4.5.1 Development and validation of Self-Directed Learning Ability Test

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the 'Self-directed Learning Ability Test.' Based on previous studies, three domains (cognitive, motivational, behavioural) and variables were selected. The cognitive domain includes cognition, meta-cognition, and problem-solving. The motivational domain composed of intrinsic and future-oriented motivation and self-efficacy. The behavioural domain composed of seeking assistance, physical environmental management, and time management. The self-directed learning ability test could be taken by elementary school students to adult learners. The procedure included preliminary surveys (N=160) and a main survey (N=400) with 45 items. The collected data were analysed through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis for validation.


Suyeon Kim
Soongsil University
South Korea

She is a doctoral student of Soongsil University, and elementary school teacher. She majored in gifted education.

Hyesung Park
Soongsil University
South Korea

She is a doctoral student of Soongsil University, and high school teacher. She majored in gifted education.

Kyunghwa Lee
Soongsil University
South Korea

She is a professor of Soongsil University and take a role as a dean of Graduate School of Education, director of institue of Gifed Education, Sejong Institute of Gifted and Talented Education. Also She was a president of Korea Association for Gifted Education.


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