2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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4.1.5 Out on a limb!

Taking creativity into the classroom is taking teaching and learning ‘out on a limb.’ How can creativity enhance policy and hence curriculum practices in today’s educational frontier! The presenters will use a compare and contrast tool to review the increasingly important place of creativity in curriculum around the world and interrogate how it is impacting on 2017 curriculum.


Susan Nikakis
Catholic Education Melbourne

Dr Susan Nikakis MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA is the Senior Gifted Education Officer at Catholic Education Melbourne She embraced her current role in 2009 and is responsible for leading gifted and talented education programs for teachers throughout Victoria.

She has been Sessional Lecturer in the Master of Education Courses at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education with the University of Melbourne and is now lecturing sessionally at the Australian catholic University St Patrick’s Campus Melbourne.

Susan is the editor and author of Let the Tall Poppies Flourish, Expert Educators and her third book is entitled Giftedness illuminated by Creativity.

Geraldine Nicholas
Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children

Geraldine Nicholas is an educational consultant who has had a range of experiences as an educator of both adults and children.

Geraldine has worked as a class teacher in secondary classrooms within the Science field from junior to senior levels and has a passion for providing enriching experiences for the gifted and talented student. Geraldine currently works with teachers and students to ensure that the field of creative thinking and the use of associated thinking tools and strategies enhances the learning experience. Geraldine completed her Masters of Education at the University of Melbourne in 2013.


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