2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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3.10.9 The trials and tribulations of establishing Australia’s first fulltime school for gifted children

From dream to reality, what regulations and policies support or impede the establishment of a gifted school in Australia? The dream began with a diverse group of people in Adelaide in 2013. Their hard work to date has culminated in the opening of Dara School for gifted children in 2017. Dara is an independent, secular, and coeducational school located in Adelaide. Its child-centred philosophy is designed to nurture the intellectual, social, and emotional development of gifted children. Each child at Dara has a Personalised Education Plan, and the Australian Curriculum supports flexible grouping to accommodate their asynchronous development.


Lynda Simons
Dara School for Gifted Children

Lynda Simons is a doctoral candidate in Gifted Education at Flinders University, South Australia. She also holds a Master’s degree in Gifted Education. Lynda’s main areas of passion are Chemistry and Psychology. She is a past president of the Gifted and Talented Children’s Association of South Australia (GTCASA) and has done numerous presentations for teachers and parents on their behalf. Lynda is the inaugural principal of the newly established gifted school in Adelaide. She has also been a leader in the Professional Development of teachers in schools. She has been an assistant principal of a gifted program in a school.

Christine Grzesik
Flinders University

Chris Grzesik is a doctoral candidate in Gifted Education at Flinders University, South Australia. She also holds a Master’s degree in Gifted Education. Chris’ main areas of passion are Mathematics, Philosophy and Creativity. She is a committee member of the Gifted and Talented Children’s Association of South Australia (GTCASA) and has presented to teachers and also parents on their behalf. Chris was also a member of the Board of Governance for the newly established gifted school in Adelaide. She has taught Mathematics and also been a Gifted and Talented Coordinator in New South Wales and South Australia.


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