2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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2 Alternative education options for gifted and twice exceptional children

For many years, pathways have existed for gifted and twice-exceptional children to pursue alternative education options, such as Beach High School (http://beachhigh.education/) in California, USA, and the proliferation of micro-schools catering to 2e children (Rivera 2016). Yet it is only very recently that such options have become more widespread in Australia. This presentation will posit that with the alternative education options, the stark divide between homeschooling and school has been replaced with a broad spectrum of different options. Many of these options, such as online remote learning, have become a real possibility in recent years.


Kathleen Humble
Gifted Homeschoolers Forum

Kathleen Humble is an Australian writer, mathematician and homeschooling mum to two twice-exceptional children. She writes regularly at ‘Gluten-Free Mum’, AKA Yellow Readis, about profoundly gifted and twice exceptional issues. Kathleen is passionate about alternative education for gifted / twice exceptional students and advocates and supports families with gifted / twice exceptional children through her work with GHF in Australia. She is currently working with GHF Press on publishing about the history and consequences of gifted / twice-exceptional myths (due 2017).


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