2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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3.1.9 Mind the gap: Youngsters growing up in the digital age

Do young learners really just “pick up” technology or is something else going on? Mobile technology has changed the home environment of young learners affecting family relationships. What do young children know about technology and how do they know it? This parallel session shares and sheds light on emerging research focused on technology and family relationships.


Laura Hayward
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
United States

Laura Hayward is a third year doctoral student in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Her specialty is Educational Technology. Her research focus is educational technology in the prekindergarten- grade 3 (USA) learning environment. She is an experienced, certified teacher of academically students in both United States (Texas and Louisiana) and abroad. She currently teaches in Texas.


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