2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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3.4.5 Using a strengths -based approach to support twice exceptional learners in the classroom

Twice exceptional children are widely missed in the classroom due to their giftedness often masking their disability or vice versa. Using a strengths-based approach to teaching combined with a differentiated curriculum in the general classroom may not only more accurately identify twice exceptional children but help them to thrive in their schooling. This presentation will give you a box of tools to assist in both teaching and advocating for your twice exceptional children in the general classroom.


Amanda Drury


Amanda Drury has been teaching in preschools and schools for over fifteen years including ten years teaching Drama to some gifted and twice exceptional children outside of school hours. Her experience with twice exceptional children is vast, both through her work and personal life. Amanda has two twice exceptional children herself aged 8 and 11 years old and is currently studying two master’s degrees in Gifted Education and Special Education at Flinders University. She is an active member of the Gifted and Talented Children’s Association of South Australia, running a support group for parents of twice exceptional children.


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