2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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3.7.6 Self-handicapping, achievement goals, and self-efficacy of gifted students

Some students purposefully display self-handicapping behaviours when they are expecting a low performance for a subsequent academic task. They associate their low performances to the self-handicapping behaviours to avoid a possible perception of lack of ability by their friends. The present study investigates self-efficacy, achievement goal orientation, and self-handicapping behaviours of middle school Turkish gifted students. The results of the study revealed that gifted students are not free from self-handicapping behaviours, and those who have low self-efficacy and focusing on performance goals are more likely to show self-handicapping in their school education. Possible implications of the study were discussed.


Harun Tadik*

Harun Tadik is a doctoral student and research assistant in Gifted and Creative Education program in Educational Psychology Department at University of Georgia. He got his master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction Department at University of Cincinnati, and earned his BA degree in Gifted and Talented Education Program from Istanbul University, Turkey. He is an advisee of Dr. Bonnie Cramond, and his research interests include creativity and social context, assessment of creativity, and social and emotional needs of gifted children.

Abdullah Eker
Necmettin Erbakan University

Abdullah Eker is a doctoral student in Special Education Department specializing in Gifted and Talented Education at Necmetting Erbakan University, Turkey. He got his master's degree in Gifted Education program at Anadolu University, and earned his BA in Gifted and Talented Education from Istanbul University, Turkey. He is interested in identification of gifted children, meta-cognition, and academic achievement of gifted children.


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