2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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6 Middle school students in full-time gifted programming

This presentation is an informational account of a 20-year program created to identify and serve the full-time educational needs of highly gifted middle school students within a centre-city high school. The presenter will lead participants in a group discussion about student success and achievement within gifted programs including accelerated curriculum, student experiences, technology, and community partnerships.


Lenae Lazzelle
Springfield Public Schools
United States

Dr. Lenae Lazzelle is the Director of the Phelps Center for Gifted Education, Springfield Public Schools. The Center is home to 900 K-8 students in three separate gifted programs. Dr. Lazzelle serves on the Missouri Gifted Advisory Council, Gifted Association Missouri-President, NAGC-State Affiliate, and Drury University’s Pre-College, VicePresident. Dr. Lazzelle has been recognized with the GAM Friend of Gifted Award and most recently the NAGC Coordinator of the Year. Published work include: Student Perceptions of Engagement in Part-time and Full-time Gifted Programs, Improving Achievement in Minority and Poverty Gifted Populations, and Meeting the Needs of Highly Gifted Students.


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