2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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3.2.7 The importance of culture in defining and accommodating giftedness: A Lebanese perspective

This paper outlines part of a PhD study conducted to investigate how giftedness is perceived and provided for in a Lebanese context. Lebanon has experienced social and political turbulence over an extended period of time; however, as a country, it places a high value on education. Through a mixed methods case study, 281 primary teachers from Lebanon were surveyed about their perceptions of giftedness and educational provisions, with 12 involved in interviews and classroom observations. Findings indicated a generally positive attitude by teachers but also an acknowledgement of a limited awareness of evidence-based Western practices associated with gifted education.


Maya Antoun
University of Balamand

Dr. Maya Antoun joined the University of Balamand (Lebanon), as an Assistant Professor upon completing her PhD at Monash University in 2016. Her doctoral thesis investigated perceptions of Lebanese primary school teachers about the nature and needs of gifted students. Underpinned by Gagne’s DMTG model, she also examined the implementation of specialised approaches for these students within Lebanese schools, resulting in a contextually appropriate reconceptualization of the model. Maya is currently teaching a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in education. Her teaching and research interests are in the field of gifted education, inclusion, teacher education and classroom management.

Leonie Kronborg
Monash University

Dr. Leonie Kronborg, Senior Lecturer and Co-ordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Gifted Education at the Faculty of Education, Monash University teaches gifted education at pre-service and post graduate level, and supervises PhD students with research interests in gifted education and talent development. She is a past president of the Australian Association for the Education of Gifted Children and elected Executive Member of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 2013-2017. She gained the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2013; is Co-Editor of the Gifted and Talented International journal and on the Editorial Board of Australasian Journal of GiftedEducation

Margaret Plunkett
Federation University

Associate Professor Margaret Plunkett is the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) for the Faculty of Education and Arts at Federation University, Australia. Margaret has developed and taught courses in gifted education for which she has won a number of teaching awards including the Pearson/ATEA Teacher Educator of the Year (2012) and an Office of Learning and Teaching Citation (2014). Her main research interests include professional learning for teachers, engagement of gifted students and curriculum innovation. Margaret is an Australian Delegate on the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and Associate Editor of the Australasian Journal of Gifted Education.


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