2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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3.10.2 Identification of underachievement in ability grouped settings

This presentation explores the findings of research investigating potential of using the School Attitude Assessment Survey- Revised (SAAS-R), the Self-Efficacy Scale for children, and the Social Coping Questionnaire as a tool to identify students at risk of underachievement. The study investigated the veracity of this approach using logistic regression analyses techniques and ROC curve analysis. Results indicated that the variables motivation/ self-regulation and social self-efficacy and gender and school type were predictor variables that could identify students at risk of underachievement.


Ruth Phillips
University of Wollongong

Ruth is an educator with qualifications Education, Psychology and is at the penultimate stage of her doctorate at the University of Wollongong with a focus on gifted underachievement. Ruth is a practicing teacher and has taught gifted students from pre-school to year 12. She is also a consultant who has worked with teachers and parents. She has also presented papers at International and Australian Education Conferences including the AAEGT conference in 2016 and the Wallace Research Symposium on Talent Development and was a co-author on the DEST Gifted Education Professional Development Package, Module 2: Identification of Gifted and Talented Students.


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