2017 WCGTC Biennial World Conference

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2.4.1 Integrating technology and simulations that transform the gifted curriculum for culturally and internationally relevant learning

Explore the impact and use of new technologies in gifted education, using six core principles: Power (empowerment); Person (customisable); Place (virtual, simulated, augmented); Processes (problem-solving); Productivity (innovations); Projections (global networking, robotics). Examine how teachers can generate a culturally and internationally relevant curriculum (CIRC), especially for immigrant and second language learners. Practice how to incorporate new technologies into the creative process that are authentic and appropriately differentiated and strategies for using emerging social media productively. See the demonstration of a simulated classroom where case studies of real immigrant gifted learners from low-income contexts are scripted into avatars for live interactions.


Gillian Eriksson
University of Central Florida
United States

Gillian Eriksson, Ph.D. is a Lecturer/Coordinator of Gifted Education, at the University of Central Florida. She was a South African then USA delegate to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, has presented at 14 World Gifted conferences. She is a consultant editor and widely published in gifted education. She is the PI for Project ELEVATE (Jacob K. Javits Grant). She coordinates study programs to The Netherlands, England, and South Africa. She has received awards for UCF Women of Excellence for Global Achievement (2016); Teaching Excellence; Golden Psi Award of Excellence (APA); Internationalization; Minority Mentorship and a Fulbright scholarship.


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