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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.2.11 How Do You Prepare Gifted and Talented Teachers for Student Diversity?

During this session, participants will learn how a noted university strengthens the ability of teachers to provide leadership for diverse gifted students in their schools. The interactive session uses discussion board questions, case studies, and current resources. Our educators bring to the table the rich history of gifted education in urban and rural environments to glean and apply in new ways.


Karen Blake Qualls
The University of Cincinnati
United States


Karen Blake Qualls University of Cincinnati Karen has been in the field of gifted education for over forty years in roles of Gifted Intervention Specialist, Gifted Coordinator, Gifted Director, Consultant, Mentor ,College Adjunct, Coordinator of Gifted Programs and Professor with the University of Cincinnati for over a decade. The majority of her career centered on the field of gifted and extended opportunities for these students. She advocates and supports gifted at the national, state and region levels with presentations, committee participation, mentoring and best practice designs .She has a committed passion for gifted.

Beth Hahn
University of Cincinnati
United States


In her current roles as independent consultant and adjunct faculty, Beth Hahn translates theory into practice for teachers and administrators in presentations and with a digital presence. In her 30+ years in education she has served as a K-12 teacher, gifted education coordinator, state department consultant and university instructor. She worked with students, parents, teachers and administrators in rural, suburban and urban districts to increase the rigor and effectiveness of instruction for gifted learners while attending to social-emotional considerations.

Tracy Alley
University of Cincinnati
United States


Dr. Alley has been in education for 27 years and has taught at both ends of the educational spectrum from intellectual disabilities to severe behavior handicaps to gifted. She is currently the gifted intervention specialist for Madeira City School District as well as teaches part-time for the education departments at University of Cincinnati and Xavier University.

Aimee Fletcher
University of Cincinnati
United States


Aimee has been in the field of education for 20 years. She is currently a middle school math/science gifted coordinator for the Olentangy Local School District and an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati. The majority of her career had been spent working with gifted students.

Kimberly Gordon
University of Cincinnati
United States


Kim has been in the field of gifted for ten years as a gifted intervention specialist, a school district gifted director and currently a consultant and university gifted adjunct professor.


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