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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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S2.9.1 Empowering 2e Learners through the Visual and Performing Arts

During this symposium, the presenters will share the experiences of twice-exceptional (2e) learners in a fine arts program at a K-12 laboratory school. Specific instructional strategies will be illustrated that enable 2e learners to be empowered through visual and performing arts programming. Presenters representing a variety of roles, such as gifted coordinator, director of orchestras, visual arts instructor, special education teacher, and school counselor, will highlight the interconnectedness of their roles as they relate to supporting 2e learners and their gifted peers through the arts.


Jilliane McCardle
Model Laboratory School - Eastern Kentucky University
United States


Jilliane McCardle is the Gifted Services Coordinator at Model Laboratory School on the Eastern Kentucky University campus. In addition, she serves as an Adjunct Instructor for Eastern Kentucky's College of Education Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

Mary Elizabeth Henton
Model Laboratory School - Eastern Kentucky University
United States


Mary Elizabeth Henton is the Director of Orchestras at Model Laboratory School on the Eastern Kentucky University campus. Creating the first Orchestra program in Madison County, she currently serves over 40 students, ranging from beginners to advanced players.

Karen Edwards
Model Laboratory School - Eastern Kentucky University
United States


Karen Edwards is a Visual Arts Instructor at Model Laboratory School on the Eastern Kentucky University campus.

Jana Mayer
Model Laboratory School - Eastern Kentucky University
United States


Jana Mayer is the Extended Learning Coordinator at Model Laboratory School on the Eastern Kentucky University campus. She earned her Kentucky Gifted Endorsement in the Summer of 2018.

Christi Sexton
Model Laboratory School - Eastern Kentucky University
United States


Christi Sexton is a School Counselor at Model Laboratory School on the Eastern Kentucky University campus.


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