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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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4.7.2 Connect, Collaborate, and Create: Growing Gifted Advocacy In Your Part of the World

Are you wanting to establish a gifted advocacy organization or breathe new life into the one you have? Effective advocacy doesn't just happen. What are the steps that lay the groundwork to success? How do you increase membership and create sustainability with volunteers coming and going? With whom do you establish relationships and partnerships outside your organization? Where do you get funding for it all? This session describes how one state gifted advocacy organization has grown and remained strong for over 40 years. You will leave with practical ideas to help build bridges and empower your gifted community.


Terry Bradley
Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented
United States


Terry Bradley, M.A. has most recently been the GT Coordinator at an award-winning high school in Boulder, Colorado. Her area of expertise is in the Social-Emotional aspects of giftedness. She gives workshops on how to create and facilitate discussion groups with GT students. She is a certified SENG facilitator/trainer and supports parents by giving lectures and advice at conferences and district meetings. She is the past President and past Conference Chair of the Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented.

Nanette Jones
Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented
United States


Nanette Jones, M.A. and M.A. endorsement in GT is a veteran teacher of 32 years, focusing most of her career in gifted education and twice-exceptionality. She has been a member of the Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented (CAGT) for over ten years, serving in many positions, and currently is the CAGT Executive Director. She is also a 2e Consultant for Colorado Department of Education. She has presented at CAGT, Beyond Giftedness and NAGC.


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