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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.8.6 UDL for Gifted and 2e Learners: Integrating Special Education and Gifted Education Strategies

The goal of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is to “make learning accessible for all students” (Novak, 2019) by removing barriers through proactive curriculum design. UDL emphasizes that all children should be learning and moving forward. While UDL is often discussed as a concept for students with disabilities, advanced, gifted, and twice-exceptional (2e) children’s needs often go unmet. This session will provide a set of instructional decisions that lead to strategies and ideas that can allow a teacher to build in enriching, accelerated concepts while providing the task-analysis and structured learning experiences that are needed.


Claire Hughes
College of Coastal Georgia
United States


Claire E. Hughes, Ph.D. is an associate professor and Director of Education and Teacher Preparation at the College of Coastal Georgia. Previously, she was Faculty Director of the Special Needs and Inclusion program at Canterbury Christ Church University in England, and a Fulbright Scholar to Greece. She is active in the National Association for Gifted Children, The Association for the Gifted (CEC-TAG) and Teacher Education Divisions (CEC-TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children. She is author of numerous books and chapters, and her research areas include: twice-exceptional children, positivistic views of exceptionality; and international special education.


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