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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.5.14 Pedagogical Approaches: A Study of Gifted Readers in the Primary Classroom in China and Scotland

Gifted readers are a group of children who can demonstrate advanced and high abilities in reading. Appropriate reading materials and differentiated instructions should be provided to support their development. However, there is a paucity of research looking at how teachers meet the instructional needs of gifted readers. This presentation, based on the data of my PhD study, contextualizes the education of gifted readers in two socio-cultural contexts, China and Scotland. The comparison of these countries will illuminate the influence of socio-cultural contexts in gifted education.


Tingzhao Zhang
South China Normal University
United Kingdom


I am currently a post-viva PhD student at the University of Glasgow, supervised by Dr Margaret Sutherland and Dr Beth Dickson. I'll start to work as Post-doctor researcher in South China Normal University from January 2019. I completed a Master’s degree in Children’s Literature and Literacies at the University of Glasgow in 2013 and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics in 2012. My research interests revolve around gifted education and comparative education between Eastern and Western countries.


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