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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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4.5.7 My Gifted Students Nailed It! What Now?

Meeting the needs of gifted math students in a heterogeneous classroom is challenging. Explore how ready-made pre-assessments and extended learning tasks are used to differentiate for gifted learners in grades 3-7. These resources, designed for gifted students by district support teams, are embedded in grade-level curriculums. Students have the opportunity to engage in the extended learner tasks based on pre-assessments. These tasks provide students the opportunity to collaboratively explore the concepts in more depth and apply their knowledge in a new, creative way. Participants will leave with examples of resources and strategies that can be integrated into their current programming.


Angela Wakshul
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
United States


Angela Wakshul has been a resource teacher in the Advanced Learning office with Anne Arundel County Public Schools for five years. She enjoys working with teachers in finding ways to best meet the needs of gifted learners through higher-level questioning and creative problem solving.

Jo-Ann Shields
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
United States


Jo-Ann Shields has been a resource teacher in the Advanced Learning office with Anne Arundel County Public Schools for six years. She enjoys providing support to teachers to provide quality instruction to meet the unique needs of gifted math learners.


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