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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Poster Proceedings »

22 The Relationship Between Creativity and Creative Dispositions Among Kindergarten Children in Hong Kong

Lucas, Claxton, and Spencer (2012) stated that there are five creative dispositions, which are inquisitive, persistent, imaginative, collaborative and disciplined. Creative children were supposed to be better in these depositions. Since the critical year of developing creativity is early childhood (Gardner, 1993) but limited research had been done, this study, thus, aims to explore to what extend do these creative dispositions related to creativity in young children in Hong Kong.

60 Hong Kong children, aged from three to six, were included in this study. Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement (TCAM), Hong Kong version (Chiang 2018) and a self-developed Five Creative Dispositions Checklist were used to determine the children’s creativity and their parents’ perspectives on their creative depositions respectively. The Cronbach’s alpha of the self-developed Five Creative Dispositions Checklist was .682. The results showed that item five, intuition, from the imaginative deposition was positively correlated with the imagination score of the TCAM (r = .271, p < .05); and item 12, collaboration, from the collaborative deposition was negatively correlated with the composite score of the TCAM (r = -.272, p < .05). Besides these two items, no item was correlated with any of the TCAM scores. Yet, the Cronbach’s alpha raised to .814 if five items were to be deleted, including items five and 12.

First, judging from the Cronbach’s alpha, the Five Creative Depositions Checklist was promising to be used in a different culture as well as in young children despite the small sample size was used in this exploratory study. Second, cultural difference between the western and Hong Kong perspectives on creative depositions may exist. The weak correlations between intuition, collaboration, and the other items in the Checklist might suggest that Hong Kong parents had difficulty to relate creative depositions that were more closely related to the western conception of creativity, the TCAM scores, to creative depositions. Therefore, more studies on the Five Creative Depositions Checklist, and Hong Kong parents’ perspectives on creativity and creative depositions were recommended.


Hoi Wai Wong

Hong Kong


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