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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Poster Proceedings »

26 Thinking About Physics and Chemistry through Feedback: A Path for Gifted Students

We will present a few details that might help teachers not only during physics and chemistry lessons. We will touch on methods of active learning but more importantly Evaluation and Feedback, including experiments. As mentioned, the main part will focus on evaluation, which I use during lessons. I will explain its purpose and show gathered information that help me reflect on my own teaching. I will also give reasons why I consider this to be an important part of teaching. The experiments will illustrate what information we can obtain from them, how to obtain it and what it can lead to. We will also talk about the possibility of introducing the subject of Science and its possible curriculum and information how we can used this concepts. I understand that this workshop is mostly theoretical, that's why I will try to give you as many concrete ideas and examples from my own practice as possible. Finally, we will focus on the implications of feedback on gifted pupils.

natural sciences, science, gifted, concept of teaching, practical lesson , feedback


Martin Konecny
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Czech Republic


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