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2019 WCGTC World Conference

Symposium Proceedings »

S5.6.5 Practical Programming for Rural Gifted Teachers and Administrators

Debates over educational aims and purposes have structural, social, and political aspects in rural education settings. Educational leaders set the tone in a school building and drive organizational priorities. The culture and climate of a school building is influenced by individuals throughout the organizational unit and has a powerful impact upon performance and change. This session focuses upon the role of school leadership in rural and the influence of rural leaders upon gifted programming. With increasing emphasis on innovation in schools and change, this session will review findings from the literature and present case studies that will explore leadership values and goals for curriculum, instruction, assessment, engagement, and achievement.

The presenters will explore questions such as: What is known about the leaders in rural schools and what kind of impact do these leaders have on the gifted students in these school buildings? What is expected of school leaders in meeting the educational needs of talented learners and how can educators and parents support school leaders in meeting those expectations? How can educators sustain a school culture and instructional program conducive to supporting special populations of talented learners? How does a leader overcome inertia to move an organization toward educational excellence and equity? How does an educational leader build collaboration with community members to improve educational outcomes in rural settings?

Participants will learn strategies to promote continual and sustainable school improvement by advocating for the provision of special services to meet the needs of special populations of gifted learners in rural school settings.

Teacher leaders and administrators will gain a better understanding of the importance of effective gifted programs in their schools as they develop plans to improve gifted programs in their local schools. Throughout the session, they will be challenged to consider possible answers to these Essential Questions: -What are the essential elements needed for a well-planned programs that are specialized and advanced in diverse settings? -How can teacher leaders improve their school gifted programs for high ability students while helping raise overall achievement?

Presenters will challenge participants to consider aspects of giftedness through the lenses of community, culture, and place. Recognizing that district leaders may have different roles and challenges if they are entering leadership roles from the outside of the district/community versus internal hires, presenters will ensure open dialogue throughout the symposium, engaging the participants in the discussions so that they are meaningful and purposeful for participants.


Angela Novak
East Carolina University
United States

Bronwyn MacFarlane
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
United States

Katie Lewis
York College of Pennsylvania
United States


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