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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.9.3 Validation of SCAT from CTY in Catalan and Spanish Language from Primary to High Schoolers

The following study validates the School and College Ability Test (SCAT) series III in above-level assessment to measure students’ extended mathematical (quantitative) and verbal reasoning abilities in the Spanish and Catalan languages at three levels of difficulty and in two different forms. The analysis focuses on a sample of 370 schoolers from Catalonia, Valencia, and Madrid and in elementary (years 1-5), intermediate (year six to the second course in secondary school) and advanced (from the third course in secondary school to the second course of “bachillerato”). The results were triangulated for the classic factorial techniques and nonparametric methods based on item response theory. This study assessed the possibility to use and validate the SCAT-series III to estimate high ability in students according to their extended mathematical and verbal results in both languages.


Carla Duran Garcia
Blanquerna University


I am a clinical psychologist and educational counselor in Barcleona Spain. I work as a head of the psychological Dep. and also I am the Head on the psych pedagogical department in a private school. I studied Psychology in a Private University, 2 Masters- Children Clinical Intervention and now I’m currently enrolled in a PhD program. My research in based in Gifted Children and their structure of internalization and externalization of intra psychic clinical symptoms in gifted students. I consider myself a reliable person, and committed and lover of research and innovation. I worked in UK and in Bishop-California.

Xavier Berché Cruz
Fundació Privada Javier Berché


Dr. Javier Berché Cruz (Barcelona, 1949) has a degree in Medicine from the University of Barcelona (1972) and a pediatrician. From 1972 to 1996 he worked as a pediatrician in the Dr. Brotons team in Barcelona. In 1980 he began his studies in Child Neurology and Psychiatry, at which time he aroused his interest in the topic of children with High Intellectual Capacity and Exceptional Talent. In 1982 he began his studies about the group of students with high intellectual capacity, since through many families he notes that this type of students were completely forgotten about the educational programs.


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