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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.8.11 The Gap Between Complex Models of Giftedness and the Identification of Gifted Clients in Counseling

Evaluating the counselling offerings for gifted students is a fruitful but often neglected field of study. After a short overview on findings about clientele and requests in Germany, a specific issue will be raised: The conflict between complex theoretical models of giftedness (e.g. DMGT of Gagné, Munich Model of Giftedness of Heller) and the practice of identification through a focus on “simple” measurements of intelligence. This conflict will be illustrated and substantiated by a study of counselors in Germany (n=31-64), where the chosen preferred model of closed question differs widely from the identification concept of open question and qualitative content analysis.


Tillmann Grüneberg
University of Leipzig


Tillmann Grüneberg is working as counsellor for gifted students. His work and research focus is in the field of career choice. His Master Program was “Studies in abilities and competence development” at the University of Leipzig, before that he studied educational science, law, social science and economics. He is trained as a systemic coach and therapist. He is lecturer for teacher education and the master program at the University of Leipzig. Additionally, he works also in the field of vocational education and training (focus: digitalization of learning).


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