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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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S3.8.2 Adapting Tests for Different Cultures

The purpose of this symposium is to describe methods for adapting tests created in one language or culture so they are valid and reliable assessments of children who speak a different language and are from a different culture. Many tests developed in the United States have been translated, administered, and normed. Appropriate and valid adaptation involves a longer and more comprehensive process. Researchers who have translated and adapted assessments developed in the USA for use in Gulf Coast countries in the Arabic language will describe the processes they used to translate and adapt performance-based and norm-referenced assessments.


Ahmed Mohamed
United Arab Emirates University
United Arab Emirates


Dr. Ahmed Hassan Hemdan Mohamed is an associate professor at the College of Education, United Arab Emirates University, UAE. His research interests include the identification and education of gifted students, and early childhood special education. He led many research grants about assessment and education of gifted students. He won the National Research Award in Oman by 2017 for the best published research in the education and human resources sector. He has published several articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He is working as a reviewer for several journals such as Creativity Research Journal and Journal for the Education of the Gifted.

C. June Maker
University of Arizona
United States


C. June Maker, PhD, is Professor Emerita, University of Arizona. She is associate editor for Gifted and Talented International and International Journal of Research in Education, Editorial Board member for the Gifted Child Quarterly, Advisory Board member of the Bulletin of Special Education (BSE), and editorial board member for other international journals. In 2015, she received the International Research Award from WCGTS and Doctor of Letters Degree from Western Kentucky University. Her research is on performance-based assessments and creativity development. She is a frequent keynote speaker. The website for her project, DISCOVER, is, and her email is

Hala Elhoweris
United Arab Emirates University
United Arab Emirates


Dr. Hala Elhoweris is an Associate Professor of Special Education at the United Arab Emirates University. Dr. Elhoweris’ research areas of interest include assessment, education of gifted and talented students, inclusion, and literacy. She has published several research articles and book chapters and has given numerous presentations at various international and regional conferences on these topics.


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