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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.6.10 Coaching Creative, High-Potential Drop-Outs in Their Search for Meaning

Searching for meaning is an issue that occupies many creative, talented, and gifted children and adults. They may struggle to find meaning in their existence, especially when they get stuck or experience a complete mismatch between themselves and their educational environment, resulting in their dropping out of school. Though challenging, it is important for them to discover how to invest in their own development in a way that fits them, given the opportunities available in their specific situation. A process-oriented model of talent development is used to coach these possible drop-outs so that they will gain the needed self-knowledge to actualize their potential.


Desirée Houkema
National Talent Centre of the Netherlands (NTCN)

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Desirée Houkema is working for the National Talent Centre of the Netherlands (NTCN) which aims to contribute to the optimal development of gifted children and adults in the Netherlands. She has a background in Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, and is an ECHA Specialist in Gifted Education. She organizes a diverse range of local, regional and national activities (i.e. workshops, training programs, conferences and expert meetings), with a focus on issues related to personal growth, talent development, social and emotional needs, twice-exceptional learners, preventing the risk of high-potential drop-outs, and facilitating parent groups to support the emotional needs of gifted children.

Albert Kaput
Slim Begeleiden

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Albert Kaput’s work and passion is guiding gifted children who dropped out the regular school-system. His experience with counselling more than 500 gifted dropouts has grown over the last 25 years, in a regular school and in the Centre for Creative Learning (CCL), a private institute that started in 2000. He has his own practice for advising, guiding, and counselling gifted children, and their parents and teachers. Together with Desirée Houkema, he’s facilitating parent groups to support the emotional needs of gifted children, and they recently started a training program for coaches who work with creative, high-potential dropouts.


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