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2019 WCGTC World Conference

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3.9.8 Applying Methods for Helping Gifted Students Learn Native Language More Effectively

Often for gifted students, accomplishing complex quantitative analysis is easy, but understanding literature is hard. In this research project, methods for solving the above difficulty were applied in literature courses. With poems/lyrics and novels, instructors can inspire the thoughts of intelligent-gifted students about literature. To help students overcome the restriction of logical analysis, abstracting contents is a comprehensive way to foster the rigorous logic of students, and analyzing the imperfectness of famous works is a reliable way to help students. Currently, the above strategies are applied in teaching writing and reading in Chinese. These methods might also be helpful for foreign students who learn Chinese.


Li Weng
Beijing No. 8 High School


Li Weng has been teaching Chinese for 24 years. By analyzing observed phenomena in daily teaching of literature, she has established the “Seven-Minute-Reading Method” for helping students learn literature of both modern and ancient Chinese. She is also interested in understanding how the parenthoods make influence to intelligent-gifted students in academics and social relationships. Her purposes of education for intelligent-gifted students are inspiring the creativity of students and teaching students how to utilize their strong intelligent potentials for considering issues in critical ways. Meantime, she is focusing on enhancing the literature capacity of each student from individual interests and characteristics.


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